Full-Time Accounting Officer
Job Description
Manage day-to-day accounting functions
Credit and Collection Manager
Invoice in PACE on a daily basis
Email or mail out invoices
Process Credit applications
Receive payments – Banking
Collections, fax and monitor GPO Invoices
Resend invoices at 30 and 60 days along with copy to SR
Over 90 days consult with management on possible collection service
Maintain customer credit card authorization payment binder
Enter all bills and be sure payments are made on time
Pay Bills by the 10th of the month for discounts
Maintain Vendor Files
Send out 1099’s
Enter all payroll information to ADP for weekly payroll
Do all payroll reports, 401K processing, and all garnishment checks
Send weekly payroll reports to the General Manager
Reports and Records
Sales totals on day of closing
Complete financial statements by 15th of month
Reconcile bank statements
Make monthly sales tax deposit
Prepare quarterly sales tax return
Schedule tax remittances, forms, payments
Take all discounts on purchases
Maintain proper files and records
Coordinates annual financial statement and support schedules with our CPA
Assists in taxable income forecasts and liaison with CPA to complete tax compliance requirements
$65,000 – $75,000 per year